Embodying the Tarot
~a union of our yoga practice and tarot
Friday, November 4th 6:30 – 8:00p $35
Join Amy as we make our way through the major arcana of the tarot deck. Tarot and yoga are both great tools to help us get in touch with our intuition, and find clarity about ourselves and our lives.
The major arcana represents the big lessons in life, it’s often called the souls journey.
In this class we will embody some of these cards as we move through a sequence of yin and restorative poses. We will use props to allow our bodies to sink in and feel the energy and meaning of these cards. Hands on adjustments and energy work will be included too. And a deep reactivate Savasana with a guided meditation in the end.
Amy will bring her love and knowledge of tarot, yoga and reiki to this class.
*Space is limited – Pre-registration is required
To register: https://yogawithlovenj.com/events-and-trainings/