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Bench Plaque Program

PLEASE NOTE: The Boardwalk Bench Plaque is temporary on hold while renovations and repairs are made to the Asbury Park Boardwalk and benches. No new plaques will be placed during the renovations. Should you still wish to order a plaque, it will be installed once the boardwalk renovations are completed in late spring.


Due to high demand of our bench plaque program, all available benches on the boardwalk currently already have at least one plaque on them. If you would like to purchase a plaque, please know that your plaque will be sharing the bench with another. Additional plaques are added to benches based on the order in which the current plaques were installed. Before a new plaque is added to a bench with an existing plaque, the owner of the existing plaque will be contacted to make them aware of the plaque being added. At that time the current plaque owner will have the option to purchase the two additional plaque spaces on the bench if they so choose. It is for this reason we cannot guarantee placement on a specific bench. If you have any questions in regards to this, please let us know.

Commemorate a special memory or pay tribute to a loved one with the Asbury Park Bench Plaque Program.

Plaque will be installed on public benches on The Asbury Park Boardwalk. Up to (3) plaques are available on each bench and are available in limited supply on a first-come-first-serve basis. In the event a plaque is damaged or stolen APCC will replace it one time at our expense. Additional loss or damage to the plaque will be the responsibility of the donor. The donor will be contacted as soon as it comes to the attention of the APCC.

The APCC in cooperation with The City of Asbury Park will purchase, install, service and maintain the plaques for a period of 10 years. At the end of that time, the plaque may be removed and will be sent to the donor with an option to purchase a new plaque for an additional period at the prevailing rate.

Thank you for your support. Funds raised by the Bench Plaque Program are reinvested in Asbury Park and the travel, tourism and music industries that help make Asbury Park a great city to live work and play in.

Commemorative Plaques are $650 each and measure 2.5 inches tall by 8 inches wide. Payment will be collected after purchaser’s draft approval, but before plaque is ordered. Payment may be made in person, by mail, by secure e-payment link, or over the phone.

Plaque placement is based on bench availability. We will try to accommodate requests if possible. 

Please be mindful that benches may be moved by the city on occasion, (i.e. for routine or emergency boardwalk maintenance, extreme weather events, etc.). Benches are not guaranteed to be replaced in their exact original location when returned.

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