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On August 24, 2021, Governor Phil Murphy signed into law the School and Small Business Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program Fund as P.L. 2021, c. 200 (“Law”). This Law funds two distinct programs: 1) the School and Small Business Ventilation and Energy Efficiency Verification and Repair (SSB-VEEVR) Program; and 2) the School and Small Business Noncompliant Plumbing Fixture and Appliance (SSB-NPFA) Program.
These programs provide grants to improve air quality and energy performance in schools and small businesses through the repair, maintenance, upgrade, replacement, and installation of certain HVAC systems, and the installation of energy efficient and water-conserving appliances. These programs will improve the health and safety of schools and small businesses while creating jobs for labor-intensive projects. Learn more and sign up for an upcoming webinar.